You will need to log out or reboot for the change to take effect. Sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ debugOutput -2sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ collateLogs 1 To enable logging for the profile installation, and thus the certificate failure, issue the following commands in the terminal: If an error occurs when requesting the AD certificate, the profile will fail to install. Following his guide, I still had some challenges, which I’ve tried to detail in this article, but his instructions for enabling logging were very helpful. Mike Boylan wrote an article at covering this process on Mountain Lion. For the Identity Certificate select the AD Certificate name that you used in your AD Certificate payload. A complete list of payload variables can be found in this Apple KB Article.
In this example, I’m using a payload variable %ComputerName%. The computer name can be specified in several places in OS X so it’s important to make sure you use the same name specified in the Sharing Preference pane and when binding to AD. The Username for connection to the network needs to be the computer name followed by a dollar sign. Again, in the same profile that has the AD Certificate payload, you will also have a payload to join your wifi network using that certificate.